Friday, 19 July 2013

Feeling the love ....

Lately, it seems to be all about the hearts!  I must confess that I love them (haha), and I'm always drawn to artwork that includes them.  I even have lots hanging around the house ... wooden ones, fabric ones, basket ones, ceramic ones ... even rusty ones!  My hubby hasn't commented so hopefully they've not taken over too much (yet).

So, I thought I'd share with you some examples of 'heart-work' that I've been working on lately.  Some of the canvases had been a work-in-progess for ages and suddenly I got in the zone and that was that!  Funny how it goes that way sometimes....

Collaged with Tim Holtz tissue paper and painted with Jo Sonja's acrylics.  Lots of stamping and more collage elements,  and had a fab time with oil pastels at the end.

This canvas had been around for ages and I had only prepped the background in dark red.  I suddenly got the urge to go mad with the vibrant orange and yellow and here is the result.  Again, I had a blast with the oil pastels at the end ;)

This canvas was started as a demo piece during a class and then sat around for ages without any purpose ... sad eh?  I went at it with the paints and oil pastels ... great fun!  Although now I'm wondering if it needs a little bit more ..... hmm?

So, there it is ... my hearts on my sleeve ... so to speak.  Hope you like them and don't forget that you can always pick up and revitalise that old UFO (unfinished object), it doesn't have to be finished in one sitting.  Sometimes when you get stuck with something, it's always good to put it to one side and come back to it later ... even if it's much later!

Have a great week and happy painting ...

Liz x

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

WOYWW 21...something

I think this heat has finally melted my brain!!  Lovely though it is, we are just not suited to long periods of extreme weather in the UK!  We are so geared up for 'making the most of it' because it's bound to end soon, that all normal routines fly out of the (open) window.  Consequently, I am now behind on absolutely everything .... WOYWW included .... ;)

So, a late welcome to those of you who have stopped by to see the chaos that is my workspace.  And, if you're wondering what on earth I'm going on about, stop by and visit Julia for the inside won't regret it, it's awesome fun!

I am currently working with my regular Thursday ladies on a furniture painting project and last week we worked through some techniques.  They now have to plan their own piece and for inspiration I thought I should get something going myself.... and here it is ....

... an old studio chair almost ready for waxing, and in the background a whole load of stuff to be put away after my last workshop!!  I'd better get tidying in readiness for tomorrow's class, goodness knows what furniture they are bringing ..... 

Oh and in case you were missing Percy, a special treat for you ....

Look what I found in M&S .... Percy Pig is 21 .... doesn't he look young?

That's all folks :)

Have a great week

Liz x

Wednesday, 3 July 2013


Happy Wednesday :)

What a week!  All sorts of stuff going on ... some good, some not so good, but trying to focus on the good and keeping positive :D

The BEST news is from my earlier post ... Tim Holtz is coming to the UK and I'm gonna be there .... woohoooo!  I'm not sure I can keep my excitement under control until then ;) but I will try ... *sigh*

So back to the matter in hand ...

... here is my desk today!  It looks reasonably tidy, but don't be fooled, it's just lots of stuff in tidy piles! I'm very good at that ;)  So, working left to right ...

  • pile of half-finished canvases and calendar pages (and book box and door hanger too!)
  • pile of paper mache houses ... waiting for inspiration
  • Percy Pigs ... say no more!  Helps with the inspiration don't you know ;)
  • June Craft Stamper magazine which I found and realised I hadn't got around to reading
  • pile of sample boards for a workshop I'm running on Saturday on faux finishes
  • mini journal book ... open and waiting ...
Ho hum, there's lots of stuff half-done and waiting .... better get eating those Percy Pigs.... lol!

Pop over to the marvellous Julia for info on what this is all about and have a fabulous time desk-hopping all around the world ... awesome people and awesome fun!

Until next time ...


Monday, 1 July 2013

Never Give Up...

...that's my motto for the day!

It wasn't the greatest start of the week; feeling sad about my poorly Buster (although he's doing ok in the grand scheme of things), feeling guilty about how I'm going to encourage my teenage son off the sofa/xbox/laptop for 9 weeks of school holidays, overwhelmed with amount of housework that I need to do, frustrated with my pony who wouldn't co-operate when I rode him this morning and the pressure of an upcoming competition .... the list goes on, but the real killer was the 100+ calls I placed to Personal Impressions around 9ish this morning to try and book a place on the Tim Holtz UK Event!  Unfortunately to no avail as the line was constantly engaged :(  *big sigh*

Whilst I made myself a consoling sandwich and cup of tea, I thought 'what the hell, one more phone call won't hurt, the places are probably booked solid but you never know ....'  The phone was answered and I GOT A PLACE ...... WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!! I'm sooooo excited!!  Can you tell....?

So, the motto for the day is 'Never Give Up' :)

*doing a little happy dance right now*

Until next time ...

Liz x